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The Brain Quadrants

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Here, we examine four general regions of the brain where the processing of information takes place.  First, the brain has two lobes or hemispheres--Right and Left; they’re famously side by side. (These two lobes are connected by millions of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.)  Each have a Front and Back region--anterior and posterior. Together, these make functionally meaningful quadrants of the brain.  And,  according to BT every person on Earth specializes in one.   

Left and Right

Next, we have the famous two hemispheres of the brain.  It's commonly accepted that, in general, the Left hemisphere specializes in concentrating on one issue at a time, whereas the Right hemisphere can take on many.  Each, incidentally, processes both Front and Back-brain activity. Interestingly (and this is important), each hemisphere handles these processes differently.


Generally, Left-brain dominance refers to persons who are conclusive and decisive.  One who is  uncomfortable until decisions are made.  Right-brain dominance refers to persons who are considered to be aware, absorbing information without experiencing pressure to arrive at closure. Both are rational ways of living, though one is more planned and the other more spontaneous.

In determining whether someone is an L or an R, don’t put too much emphasis on how they behave at work, since our employment often requires us to act a certain way (usually more left-brained). Think about the total person, how we choose to live during the time when we call the shots.


Left-brainers prefer to take action and come to a decision or conclusion sooner than later.  They are driven to find closure in their outer world. Ls persons tend to be organized and value planning. They are geared toward making decisions about what they should do, as well as what others should do. They prefer maintaining order, and controlling  events and people around them. Ls do better with deadlines and living by the rules. Being more work-oriented, they prefer work first, and play second.  They believe play should be earned.  Generally, they are optimistic and cheerful, even amid difficult times. That optimism may not always be readily observable, however, as they continually try to put things in order.   Ls tend to be more emotionally level because they reside primarily in the Left brain, "the stable hemisphere."


Right-brainers are those who need additional time dealing with the outer world before making decisions. They feel the need to gather more information and make observations, keeping their schedules and viewpoints fairly open-ended. In this way, they are in a position to experience the new and exciting. This is true for both the Front-brainer and the Back-brainer (on the Right side). If you want to do something on the spur of the moment, call the spontaneous R person.

Rs tend to receive new information in a non-judgmental, open-minded way, whereas L’s are inclined to make new information conform to preconceived knowledge, hesitating if it doesn’t. Our research indicates that approximately 2/3 of the United States population is Right-brain dominant.

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Front and Back

Though healthy people use the entire brain, we are strongest (most proficient) in either the anterior (Front-brain, dominant F) or the posterior (Back-brain, dominant B). 

Originally associated with the terms “extravert” and “introvert” (as first applied by Jung, early 20th century), these may be two of the most commonly misunderstood.   Most know what those mean, generally, but are those labels accurately defined?  Why so often do outgoing and talkative persons claim to be introverts?  

Simply stated, the work of the Back brain is to focus and reflect, or turn inward.  It's what Jung meant by “introversion” concerning the external world. The Front brain's role is to act, or turn outward.  Jung’s "extraversion" acted on these reflections or internal needs.

In summary, the Back brain gathers and handles input from the outside world.  Information is received via the senses (sight, smell, sound, hearing, and taste) and the posterior of the brain prefers to translate this input into meaning. This locale clearly handles the preponderance of what could be described as “introverted” processes.  People who are Back-brain dominant, are generally more inward and reflective. 

Generally speaking, the Front brain is the most significant area for creating one’s outward personality. (Persons with various forms of frontal lobe damage speak with flattened inflection, lacking personality.)  "Broca's area” in the frontal lobe is responsible for the expression of speech.  People who are Front-brain dominant, therefore, are generally more verbose and speak with greater volume.


Front-brainers (F) prefer to focus on the outer world and are energized by their contact with it. Their batteries are normally charged by talking and interacting with people, activities, and with living out their plans and dreams. We estimate that upwards of 70% of the population in the United States is Front-brained (thanks to their genetic dominance, presumably).  Via practice or being raised in a Back-brain dominant family, Fs may develop "introverted" tendencies. 


Back-brainers (B), in contrast, are compelled to recharge their batteries from within, when given their own space or time alone.  Back-brainers are inclined to keep their real selves hidden until they feel safe, confident, or until they know others will take the time to hear them out.  They are not easily distracted and possess enhanced ability to concentrate (compared to Fs). Bs generally conserve energy and delve deeply into whatever interests them.  They have fewer acquaintances, and are sensitive to much interaction.  Via practice, or being raised in a Front-brain dominant family, Bs may develop "extraverted" tendencies. 

Without question, there are varying degrees of Front-brain and Back-brain proficiency in people.  Extreme Front-brainers (via genetic or nutritional factors) will likely be super-absorbed in outgoing activities, crowds, business, and public speaking.  They prefer action ahead of waiting.  Conversely, extreme Back-brainers will be reclusive, sedentary, and painfully shy. Most of us are somewhere in between.


Important Note:  Environment or upbringing (nurture) will have a profound influence on one’s persona. It will not, however, change one's inborn neurological dominance (Front or Back).  What it can do is impact (enhance or mask) the personality traits of extraversion and introversion.  We can use our Front brain or Back brain at any time, but it will always come more naturally for us to prefer one more than the other.  And, that will be our "genetically favored" locale.


Meaningful Combinations

Now that you are familiar with the four general locales (F & B, L & R), let’s take a closer look at each and its respective specialty.

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Q1 – Front Right (FR)

Best at Conceiving.  It loves anything new (which can include people). It's always looking for or imagining something fresh or different. Q1 can easily get bored with monotony.  It wants something intriguing in its perception.  Q1 says,”What is this? This is an interesting perspective. I like this different look. Wow, it’s new and exciting!” Any time we learn something new, Q1 tries to make sense of it first.  Q1 dominant people are most open to new ideas, and ready to act upon them.  

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Q2 – Back Right (BR)

Takes information and likes “comparing” it with other knowledge.  It finds similarities or common characteristics with objects and people--making  connections and links (either positive or negative). Even if the similarities are distant and vague, Q2 still attempts to make some sort of comparison and connection. Q2 dominant people are less apt to critique (conclusively), and relatively patient with their ideas and observations.   

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Q3 – Front Left (FL)
Specializes in discerning how things are dissimilar, different, or not alike. It specializes in “critiquing”, ahead of comparing.  Q2 and Q3 often assist each other in  balancing thought and decision making.  (Even so, each person specializes in 1 of 4 quadrants. ) Q3 (aka the “Executive Control Center”) excels at looking for flaws, which of course can be helpful or hurtful, depending on application.   Q3 dominant people tend to be the most critical, especially when verbalizing the differences in things and people.   

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Q4 – Back Left (BL)
The most methodically analytic and scrutinizing region of the brain. This area loves to “classify” and categorize areas of interest (things and people).  Q4 looks for similarities, but more so the differences.  Yes, it compares (like Q2), but feels compelled to find differentiation in order to bring closure and find proper identity.   Q4 dominant people tend to be more methodical, conservative, orderly, consistent, and painstaking.  


Every person uses all brain quadrants on a daily basis, yet each of us is "wired strongest" in only one.   The next or second quadrant our brains prefer is the other Q shared in the same hemisphere (Left or Right).

For example, persons strongest in Q1 (RF) will prefer Q2 second, or next.  In so doing, Q1 dominant people  who love new things/ideas, will then seek connections to other things/ideas with which they’re already familiar.  Following this line of reason, which quadrant is their least-preferred?  Answer:  Q4 (BL)  And so it goes that Q4 dominant people prefer Q3 next, and Q1 least.


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By learning the specialization of each of these brain regions, you can improve in better understanding and dealing with people.  And, you can appreciate how our brains have been miraculously organized in a very structured and intelligent way.

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