Our Team
and our better halves!
Our Team
Knowing each of us have a different BT has been instrumental in our perspective on marriage, children, sports, and life.
Simply said, we're an experienced and aspiring bunch of family guys who love people and aim to bring positive change in the world. Our "work" (more like a ministry) has taken us to schools, conference rooms & cubicles, to the living rooms of families, the kitchen tables of couples soon-to-be-married, even to the jungles of third-world countries, and on too many ball-fields and athletic-courts to count.
Speaking of sports, we've consulted for nearly every kind and level of sport--from youth to professional. Most recently, we have provided our service to the NBA's Boston Celtics and the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.

Jeremy Niednagel, Director
Brain Typing has provided Jeremy the opportunity to travel much of the world. For 20+ years, he's worked alongside his father--BT Founder, Jonathan Niednagel. Jeremy is passionate about learning from, understanding, and helping people. He "married up," to his beloved wife, Danielle, and considers their six diversely-natured children his "living laboratory." Jeremy enjoys organic gardening, bee keeping, reptiles, basketball, tennis, golf, and Boggle, and credits the late Steve "The Croc Hunter" Irwin for his love and passion for people and wildlife.

Jordan Niednagel, Marketing & Planning
Jordan has been Brain Typing since grade-school, beginning with his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Armstrong. He enjoys web design, videography, and the occasional video game with his four children. He's married to his beautiful wife, Melissa, who has gracefully taught him how to be more outgoing in social situations. Jordan is adamant that a "great drink is better than a great meal." He hopes one day everyone will find benefit from the knowledge of BT at an early age, as he was.

Nathanael J. Daher, IT & General Savvy
Nathan is our tech guru. He's funny, competent, thorough, and quick about everything he does. He's techy, a "foodie," and organic in his food choices. He's been our sidekick since Y2K, so we trust him! He married Hannah according to BT (though not his only criterion!), and is thrilled to be the proud father of their baby girl.
We're All About Family & Community
Differences in people are the "spice of life." Each of us have inborn gifts to offer and complement the group.